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Sodium silicate

Depending on the alkali silicate type, the raw materials are mixed in the desired proportion (ratio) and used for alkali silicate synthesis. The purity of the raw material is of enormous importance, because they effect the melting process and the product properties. 

The LiquiSonic® analyzer guarantees accurate and rapid determination of process concentrations (Na2O/K2O and SiO2) and the process temperature. Through permanent data logging, process parameters can be controlled during quality inspection.

Sonic velocity measurement with LiquiSonic® 40


Water glass is produced by melting of highly purified silica sand (SiO2) with alkalicarbonate (Na2CO3 or K2CO3). The raw material mix is continuously melted at a temperature of 1200 °C - 1500 °C in the melting tank. 

The molten alkalisilicate is water-cooled till transport on a chain conveyor. The cooled fragments are dissolved in an autoclave at 4 - 5 bar and 140 - 150 °C,  until the desired density and viscosity is reached. Even the finest impurities are removed by filtration. The filtered solution is adjusted with water to the desired moisture content. 

LiquiSonic® analyzers determine the process concentrations inline and continuously and allow precise process control, to avoid quality fluctuations.


The LiquiSonic® sensors are easily installed in the pipeline from the bypass line of the autoclave. The robust sensor construction and the optional special materials, like HC2000, promote long process life.
The LiquiSonic® controller 40 is connected to the LiquiSonic® immersion sensor and the device for  the second physical value. The controller displays the Na2O or K2O concentration and SiO2 content. Further process parameters, like temperature or  sonic velocity, are monitored via trend view. 

Typical measuring ranges:
concentration range Na2O: 6 to 9 wt%
concentration range SiO2: 20 to 30 wt%
temperature range: 40 to 95 °C (105 - 205 °F) 

concentration range K2O: 19 to 24 wt%
concentration range SiO2: 30 to 35 wt%
temperature range: 40 to 70 °C (105 - 165 °F)

Customer value

The LiquiSonic® analyzer provides a precise inline concentration measurement with real-time monitoring and exact control of the required Na2O / SiO2 molar ratio. Thus providing optimal product parameters, like stability and resilience. LiquiSonic® enables a reduction of labor cost through the elimination of manual process steps:

  • time saving: 1 h per day

LiquiSonic® provides an optimal dissolving speed of the water glass fragments and reduces steam costs.